Change Leader & Change Enthusiasm
Randi has led major change processes between international brands, she has the change competence, energy and enthusiasm to be a catalyst for change. She has the courage required to challenge the established that do not support future ambitions. Randi challenges in a constructive way by presenting new solutions.
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In 2000, I had a sales responsibility of 3.5 billion and up to 12 direct managers reporting directly to me in Braathens. Prior to SAS's acquisition, I downsized 20% of my area of responsibility, corresponding to approximately 20 man-years within defined limits and deadlines.
Leg led one of four major coordination processes between SAS and Braathens. I did this together with a colleague from SAS and with the help of consultant support. Double sets of customer and agent agreements were renegotiated without conflict. A number of restructuring processes with adaptation to new organizational design were carried out without legal conflicts with employees. Everyone who has been involved in the adjustment of this scope knows this is an achievement.
In parallel with practical experience, I took a master's module at BI in Change Management, later also Interaction & Management and finally Innovation & Commercialization. Overall, it has given me a Master of Management.
Change Enthusiasm
"When you know change is constant, let change enthusiasm be a consious sustainable ingredient and choice of being, living and leading"
Taking the lead and living with continuous change and unpredictability is a high-risk sport.
Through Change Enthusiasm you find what you really need, instead of a new dose of traditional leader development. We focus on the whole person, promote personal development and contribute to your survival as a human, in tougher times. Focus at the whole person is critical for responsible thinking and action. We contribute to your well-being and your success through creating human experiences that really make a difference for you, your performance, your career, your relations, your communication − your life.
I care because I have gone through these issues myself!
Looking back, I realize that I, in a central phase of my leadership career, lacked valuable important insight and outlook for leading change with greater thrive, less effort and more enthusiasm. Insight and outlook no master's degree, leader development program nor mentor program would have given me. I was searching, but did not find what I needed at the time. I continued the leadership career with relentless determination, will and curiosity. This has over time given me invaluable insight and outlook on fundamental problems and solutions. Together with the fact that I have acquired a lot of experience. Through human experiences I have developed a significant amount of knowledge on humans, influencing greatly on who I am today, and prerequisites for assisting and guiding others.