Master New Wise
in 6 Weeks
Stay tuned for next program
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My Signature Program - Empower you to Embrace Change
Join me on a journey - learn how to increase your life and leadership capacity for a new reality. Explore and discover, start integrating and implementing your new sustainable life, leadership and career approach.

Flexible next steps toward New Clarity - New You
Enjoy 3 moduls with online content and time to reflect how to adapt and implement into your leadership and life. 3 sessions with Q&A, feedback, and dialog in the casual cafe concept. It`s a mix of content and exercises well guided by your interactive Playbook. Embrace what you discovered, use new clarity and confidence to own your power in a new way.
Discover Powerful Self Empowerment Tool (free bonus)
Discover how you can remove Success Blocks in your unconscious mind, aligning to the Authentic You and lean into more Joy, Ease, Flow, and Freedom on your path forward.
Become a member of the Global Wise Leader Community and hang out with Randi and other like-minded executive leaders and senior consultants.

How We are UNIQUE
We are unique in our cause-effect-solution-approach, in the context and way we understand human nature, how we combine personal joy and ease with authentic business success and the way we deliver value through new innovative leadership training- and experiences - from heart. We are living what we are teaching.
Master the Dynamics between the feminine and masculine
We are unique in our cause-effect-solution-approach, in the context and way we understand human nature, how we combine personal joy and ease with authentic business success and the way we deliver value through new innovative leadership training- and experiences - from heart. We are living what we are teaching.
YES - I`m longing for more ease and joy!
YES - Authentic Business Success Sounds Great!
YES - I want to stay connected and consider if this is for me when the program is opening for sign ups.
Value for money
€ 3 000
You get all this and more:
- 3 Modules of online content. Embracing the power of 3 leadership pillars that are game changers.
- Series of 3 Casual Cafe for Q&A, feedback, and dialog.
- Playbook with exercises.
- Bonus 1: Unique self-empowerment tool.
- Bonus 2: Seamaster - Empowered by the Sea.
- Bonus 3: (Re) Brand New YOU.
- Community: Global Wise Leader.

New Normal - New Success Strategies - New You
It`s so easy keep on going based on a belief that taking a lead and leading the change we want to see in the world is hard work. Keep on performing by working hard even when system, structures and cultures is not supporting in a optimal way. It`s not sustainable. It`s time to review, rethink and rebuilt what is not any longer working.
The New Wise Leadership HUB is here to support you
See Master New Wise Leadership in 6 weeks as the entrance door in to a whole new wise leadership world. After the program you can continue to expand and optimize your personal life and your leadership capacity. Above all replenish your vitality to joyfully lead and shine - ride the future.

Refresh Leadership Awarenes and Capasity:

Bonuses - added high value

Global Wise Leaders - Community
We are the vital leaders who co-create aligned with Global Goals. Who consciously shape culture and collaborate in teams based on natural talents and energy. We wake up vital, walk together and support each other in a way that feels good.

New Leadership Formula: Feel Natural Good

Learn, Refresh and Level Up with a blend of 3 key leadership approaches & pillars for Joyful Authentic Success:
1. Strategic Implement Leadership; Refresh, Renew and Rethink System, Structure & Culture.
2. Follow Your Heart Leadership; Reengage with heart - the only way forward to be authentic.
3. Physical Leadership; Be aware of the impact of home- and workspace environment influences you.
Take Away - Sustainable Business Leadership:
- Discover a more Fruitful Foundation for a business success.
- A Mind-set shift to easier see opportunities.
- Perspectives on business and the role it can play as a force for social good and the world.
- Get a set point for your own culture profile - and learn how to take advantage of culture expressions in teams.
- Start to ride the global trends - have fun and enjoy doing it.
- Strengthen your ability to live and lead change with less effort and more enthusiasm.
- Learn how to strengthen your ability to take quicker and better decisions.
- Take new steps toward your capacity to create, expand and transform business results with more ease and joy.
- Take new steps toward your capacity to lead change with more Enthusiasm - inspire another business culture.
- Take new steps toward feeling empowered to joyfully lead, shine and change.
- Abel to empower yourself in today’s position and for your future natural career path.
- More stable, solution- and result oriented leader that sees opportunities in chaos.
- Inspired and motivate to deliver beyond what anyone thinks they are capable of.
- Become a front runner, a sustainable role model shaping the new normal of business leadership and future planet.
Take Away - Personal Inspiration and Growth:
- Align to joy, peace and vitality.
- Restore energy, strength and stability.
- Open up to more natural flow.
- Align with your pure potential. Be inspired to take aligned choices and take aligned actions.
- Be empowered to be clear and confident in being the authentic you, your own unique expression.
- Uplevel your thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
- Get clarity and confidence in purpose and direction.
- Be and grow in a community with love and non-judgement with those around you.

This program is for business leaders who:
- Are open, curious and have a learning mindset.
- Wants to make the most of who you are and make a bigger impact in the world by how they live and lead.
- Long for wakening up in the morning after a good night sleep - embrace opportunities and challenges.
- Ready to take action to shift and change their experience of life and leadership.
- Open and curious for new perspectives and effective methods.
- See the advantages of strengthen personal capacity to stay calm, confident and stable in challenging times that we are facing now.
- Wants to experience personal freedom and flexibility to be more of who they are.
- Wants to learn how to more consciously shape culture that collaborate with ease and joy.

Who you Become being on a journey with me:
Become a Global Wise Leader who Master the Dynamics between the feminine and masculine forces within us. By becoming a new version of you, you also stand out at a sustainable role model in how you lead yourself and your team - how you together co-create culture and do business.
Get into and surf the wave were we honour the masculine and rise the feminine - Master the Dynamic!
Next step on your Journey:
Continue to integrate and maintain what you have learned as a member of the New Wise Leadership HUB. Join Master Classes, Fun Challenges and other Experiences that empower you to be the best you.
A healthier and wellbeing you as the core essence of your leadership team and business is a way to align with business expansion and transformation.
The way for you to fully thrive and feel alive!
The way to open up to an ocean of opportunities for business expansion unfold in a more natural way..
And there are more..
How to get unique competitiveness and optimize the value of the investment
Bring your team up to speed on what you have discovered. Agree on a Team-Journey with Randi where you and your team together build a fruitful foundation and focus on a defined business project or business area that is important to succeed.
Join NOW - an adventure is waiting!

Easily and flexibly
accessible on mobile
via APP
Stay tuned for next program
Be on the waitinglist - Get the latest details and priority to buy in to the program.