How do you feel as a business leader? Do you enjoy your everyday at work - before, during and post pandemic? Do you feel you get the best out of your life? Is your overall goal just to show up at work and give it all?
Is it time to refresh, renew and rethink systems, structures and culture to be more supportive for business leaders?
If you don’t understand if you need help, what help you need or were that help is available - you can easily work harder and struggle more than you have to. You may even be holding limiting believes that holds you back without knowing. You probably just want to save time and energy.
Being open to take in inspiration and higher perspective can make a big difference. To see a bigger picture can clarify and shape your priorities.
When Norwegian soldiers return home from Afghanistan, they are invited to a debrief. They will probably be offered help to put behind their difficult experiences. Normally, this is not as accessible to business leaders. The risk is that you carry on with more luggage than is good for you.
Last week an Executive Leader in the company Veidekke told his story. He was physically fit and stands out as a happy family man, but emotionally challenged and living with depression. He feels sad on a daily basis. By sharing his story, he quickly received more than 2000 messages. Many of these from leaders in top management groups also not experiencing wellbeing. Are you surprised that leaders in top management groups are humans too?
This summer we could also read in Norwegian newspapers about managers who sat in the car and worked while the rest of the family was on the beach.
What does your path forward look like?
Inspiration to Rethink Business Leadership Support
Can we use these examples to see other needs and as an inspiration to refresh, renew or rethink business leadership support? I think so.
I started my first business when I was 10 years old by picking and selling lily of the valley as a 5 NOK bouquet. My old notes informs me that I told both my mother and father how much money they owed me, and were even tempted to pay me, from even earlier than this. My sister's job was clearly just to be kinder.
I grew up in natural surroundings between fjords and mountains in north-western Norway. Rainy days and autumn storms were part of everyday environment in my upbringing. As a one-year-old, I became a big sister and learned early to take responsibility.
Taking responsibility became a natural part of my nature. I am creative and solution-oriented and good at simplifying complexity. I have a talent for seeing solutions and opportunities.
I have been fortunate to have access to mentors such as former top sports manager Bjørge Stensbøl and Johan Kaggestad in leadership and performance development.
In many phases of my career I have been well supported. In other phases I have not found the help I needed, or not received the quality of help I needed. It has cost time, energy and money. Many oversell and under deliver.
I see there is potential for a new type of business leadership support that embraces the whole person. Solutions that are not primarily short-term oriented but are based on more sustainable approaches.
We live in a time where many systems, structures and cultures need renewal. You can adjust and strengthen, or build new.
My motivation is to be able to contribute to the co-create of a new form of business leadership support. A type of one-stop-shop-leadership-support empowering for success giving support in challenging times. Easy available and to access, higher value and at a lower cost. A value driven service innovation. I called it Bridge2Thrive.
Being fit for any success is a matter of wellbeing. It`s the sustainable foundation. If you as a busy business leader and have been overworked and living with stress over time, it might be time to make wellbeing a higher priority. In doing so it will support team dynamics, shape culture and speed up business transformation too.
Here is why wellbeing matters more than anything else.
The experience of wellbeing on a physical, emotional, spiritual, financial and social level are the foundation to thrive on an individual, team and in an organizational environment.. It`s the foundation for any creation and business transformation. It makes wellbeing the most important thing of all the important things. Do that reflect our priorities?
I have been this busy executive leader. For years I felt fulfilled. It came to a point where something changed in relation to how I experienced my every day at work. New awareness. In the short term, I could not change the environment around me. I took myself out of a culture that I later understood was not appropriate for any purpose. I was not fully thriving. I felt sad and frustrated not enjoying the business success I was part of. It was stressful success. I found it painful and frustrating to not feel fully alive and fulfilled with the success I had. The imbalance of what I invested with time, energy and dedication was not in line with what I took out of it.
I went on a walk of wonder to explore how joyful success could be available. I was searching for sustainable solution on fundamental challenges. It took me deeper into to human nature. One of my biggest talents is to simplify complexity. I am creative and had over time become an environment psychologist understanding how work surroundings influence humans. From what I learned I created the New Wise Leadership HUB and Bridge2Thrive.
Today I live an abundant life with enough sleep. I wake up every morning with vitality and energy. I live with great flexibility and feel fulfilled by using my natural talents daily. I have not perfected all wellbeing levels, however the conscious choices taken years back have taken me to a healthier place.
Bridge2Thrive - one-stop-shop-experience Business Leadership Support
A New World of Refreshment and Empowerment is in the birthing process. It`s time to renew how we think about Business Leadership Support
I have been digitalizing my own competence as a way of getting started. It`s not complete, but it`s holding a high quality. Good enough to welcome home and nature loving business leaders who want to escape stress and align to joyful success.
Why does this bring a higher value to a lower cost for individuals, organisations and society?
To be fit-for-future or fit-for-success means physical, emotional, spiritual, financial and social FIT. This can also be expressed as wellbeing on 5 levels. This represents a complexity for most people, even Business Leaders.
Fit on an emotional and spiritual level means to strengthen the heart connection and the authentic connection with yourself. In practical terms this means to be aware of your true desire and not to live with supressed emotions over time. Greater awareness will allow the feminine qualities to rise and the business world to become more balanced. In fact it`s not only about balance, it`s more about mastering the feminine and masculine dynamics. It`s about respecting the masculine while bringing in the feminine.
Mastery is not a weekend exercise. That’s why I designed the Master New Wise Leadership Program as the signature program. It`s a solid foundation from which to expand. Within the one-stop-shopping-system you find ways to stay connected and be supported on your integration journey.
Understanding how all the dots are connected and act wisely from that is not easy on your own. From my viewpoint most business leaders don’t need more of the same to become better leaders. Many need to strengthen their core foundation to be fit-for-success, maybe without understanding that themselves. It´s back to basic and expand from there.
Attractive leadership experience
You don`t need to quit your job or redirect your career to grow and expand yourself while the the training-experience is casual and inspiring (however some will probably do that too).It`s like an opportunity for a timeout or pause you would love to put in your calendar. Being together with like-minded makes it easier and more fun. You will feel a sense of belonging in another way to do that you probably have within your leadership team or with friends and family. It will feel like a new family. A place to return back to at any time for any challenge or to share and celebrate successes.
My business leadership career has not been like a walk in the park. I did not easily find support available when I was challenged in different ways. In fact my motivation is to co-create the Leadership Support I would have loved to have had access to when I was experiencing stressful success. I know the need is there. The story from the executive leader in Veidekke last week is the last visual proof on that. In consideration of the response he got from like-minded the market are there.
Bridge2Thrive – Enhance Performance
Bridge2Thrive as one-stop-shop world of refreshment and empowerment is a place to be fit-for-success. To build a fit-for-success foundation and attitude. It will empower you as a business leader toward a more natural flow where you no longer need to work evenings, weekends and holidays. You will step into your power and potential and experience to achieve more with less effort. It`s more fun and you gain more leisure time. That`s is my promise to you - I call it joyful success.
Can you see the potential for yourself, your partner or others you know?
Are you a supportive business friend, potential business partner, investor, sponsor or potential client? The concept is in an early phase and your influence is very welcome.
Are you a community leader and this might be something to bring forward to business leaders in your community? I`m happy to do an empowering lecture.
Check out the leadership-training-experiences that are already in place.
Let me know how you would love to contribute. You can easily connect with me in SoME or by mail [email protected].
WHY I choose to spend time leading this innovation to market
My business leadership journey has not been a walk in the park. I have been dealing with death in close family, experienced financial losses and restored myself from heartbreak. I also have my success stories. Life happens and we all need to deal with it in a way or another.
My short story comes like this:
About 15 years ago I was responsible for billions, overworked and felt a little stuck in the doing, not fully alive or fulfilled by my work.
I consciously knew my life purpose and soul mission was to “develop leadership, inspire for conscious lifestyle and drive change”. No recipe. It was up to me to find an inspiring way to apply it.
In 2006 I left a position as executive business leader after successfully contributing to the merger of two major European airlines. I overworked for years.
I had other passions. I redirected my career to start a new lifestyle business aligned with my purpose. I named it Lifeliving. I successfully introduced the concept to the market and expanded after 15 months. I did it with passion.
During the financial crisis I had to take a challenging leadership decision to close down the business. I took personal financial loss. No money is worth compromising health for.
I redirected my career back to a leadership position and was responsible for 70% of the revenue of one of the biggest retail destinations in the world.
In this position I experienced a moment when everything I believed in changed. It choked my vitality system and disconnected me from my natural talents, recourses and abilities. I quickly put on more weight (about 10 kg in one year), and it was not only about eating habits). I learned that unhealthy experiences (on a conscious or subconscious level) are stored in our bodies until we heal and release what no longer serve us. At this time, I did not have this insight. I felt alone doing my best. It took me time. In a way I was blocked to move forward in the way I wanted.
I took on more education to stay relevant. I spent time in natural surroundings to restore. I took on different business projects and experienced different cultures. Looking back, it was like being an undercover boss getting unique insight about operating leadership and culture. However, it was never my intention to take on an undercover boss. My experience and higher perspectives set me up for that role role. Oh yes, I saw big potentials. "What can the results be" (even if they already are good) is a key question to ask for a manager in any top management group to ask.
Fair Play & Justice
For a period of time I lived with a lower monthly pay check. Joy was my leading star. Today I welcome back the power I gave away, lost or was taken from me. Not from a place of need, but from a place of fair play and justice.
During these years I also experienced a heartbreak. It took me a while to accept he was not Mr Right. The gain from the pain? I increased my ability to love better, also myself. Today I truly see my worth and what I want and deserve now. Playboys no thank you. No more b…shit.
From time to time it seem like hard to get it right. To make it clear. That I and other leaders who show up with our feminine energy, calm and kind-hearted (open mind and open heart) in business and life, is not an invitation for misuse. Don`t be surprised, I master the dynamics between the feminine and masculine very well.
Autumn 2015 I became a published author on Hegnar Media Publishing of the book in Change Leadership named How to Become a Sustainable Change Leader.
Spring 2020 I published my eBook Lead2Live. Today available when you become a member of the New Wise Leadership HUB.
Judgement and Rejection
Some people may judge me for my choices without really having the full picture of where I came from or heading toward.
I see judgement only as an expression of others expectations, jealousy or lack of courage to make changes in their own life.
I see rejection as protection and an opportunity to redirect toward people, projects and cultures that are a better match. Aligned with my values.
January 2019 I had a game-changing AHA moment when I became the employee of the year. By leaning into my joyful nature I became a top performer – even if the systems, structures and culture had the potential to be more supportive.
The company lost me because it was limited when it came to what was agreed when I started in the job.
I know my worth and respect myself enough to stand up for what is right. It`s about integrity.
Time gained during pandemic
The 3rd January 2020 I booked my Scandinavian Business Tour. As you remember very well, early March the same year the pandemic came and I needed to cancel everything.
First I felt I lost money and time. Then I understood I gained time, and that money invested will come back to me in one way or another. It was an opportunity to deliver something even better to the market.
During the pandemic I even gained the time to write the first draft to my next book.
The journey during pandemic took me to greater clarity and strengthened me. It maid me ready to step into my power and potentials.
My understanding today is that over the last 10 years or so I changed to who I needed to become to use my voice, raise up for change and co-create a better business world and thriving planet aligned with my purpose.
Love Better. Live Better. Lead Better – 3 key game changers.
This is my story, but this is not about me. I am only using my story to inspire change. Career can always be redirected. I hope to be an role model sharing my own journey of what is possible. I am open to help and support others who wants to redirect their career. Please reach out if you want to explore how I can support you.
It`s an invitation to co-create a Better Business World and Thriving Planet. All life on the earth is connected in the same eco-system.
The new report Red Code For Humanity is driving speed in change.
If we want our environment and surrounding to change. You and I need to change first.
The business world is a powerful muscle for change. Global Wise Leaders ™ are setting the agenda. It´s time to flex our leadership muscle.
Nobody can change the world alone.
This Bridge2Thrive Initiative can make a big difference by growing into its potential.
Improving 15 millions lives by 2030 and build a legacy to be passed on to next generations is the ambition.
You can empower yourself today by joining The Power of Authenticity Online Challenge - learn more here Expore Online Challenge
Enjoy the rest of your day!
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