"How to combine Personal Joy & Ease with Authentic Business Success" #Purposeful Leadership #Joyful Living #Blooming Environment #Human as Leader Explore The Power-of-Authenticity Challenge > Become Real, Raw and Radient

Authenticity as a Leadership skill and quality in business – and for a life we love

We are part of an ever-changing world where we must navigate complexity and uncertainty daily. Diverse perspectives and opinions are now not only accepted but encouraged. By becoming more authentic, we feel more psychological safe to express our true thoughts and ideas. This way we bring a higher value to the table. An authentic leader is seen as present, trustworthy and unafraid to be themselves. Trust is the new currency in business. 


Shift from survive to thrive mode

You have probably ex...

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Business Leaders New World of Refreshment and Empowerment – let`s flex our leadership muscle

How do you feel as a business leader? Do you enjoy your everyday at work - before, during and post pandemic? Do you feel you get the best out of your life? Is your overall goal just to show up at work and give it all?

Is it time to refresh, renew and rethink systems, structures and culture to be more supportive for business leaders? 

If you don’t understand if you need help, what help you need or were that help is available - you can easily work harder and struggle more than you have to. You m...

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5 Powerful Actions - From Stress and Worry to Joyful Success


Hi dear leader colleague,

I have two questions for you:

Are you an executive leader who ever have felt worry about how to stay on top of the game, and fix what you see and understand are barriers for optional business performance or stepping into the potentials?

Have you ever worried about not getting enough sleep to feel clear and present enough in key meetings?

What did I experience as an executive leader in a international company being responsible for more than a more than one billion ...

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3 tips how top management groups get a refreshing restart


Hello CEO, senior manager and executive leader colleague,

I am inspired to share a sentence that I brought with me over many years. A sentence I think is worth reflecting on for you as well. 

“I am not who I am, I am who I become in interaction with others”. 

This is a phrase I remember well from my in-depth study of Interaction, Togetherness and Leadership led by the Norwegian renowned professor of psychology Paul Moxnes. 

I remember having to read this sentence over and over again, until I...

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3 ways to turn on the engine for business expansion


The question you ask yourself make you reflect, wonder and give you a deeper motivation to adjust or change in a way that benefits you, your team and organisation. This is the power of asking great question to yourself.

If a wellbeing YOU is an engine for business expansion – what is the value of you improving your wellbeing for improving business results?

An even more powerful question within this context might be how do a stressed and overwhelmed me influence the business results.


From t...

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Be a provident leader: 3 tips to avoid lagging behind in the future

Dear fellow leader,

Imagine if you could embrace change with more enthusiasm and turn resistance to change into change enthusiasm? This is why I want to ask you whether you have considered the following: Is cynicism and short term thinking the way to success? Just the opposite, in my opinion. We need to be provident leaders, and therefore you get 3 tips on on how to avoid lagging behind in the future.

After a talk at conference some years ago I challenged one of Norway's leading industry leade...

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Are you leading, or following? 3 tips for innovation for future success

Dear fellow leader,

−I choose to call you a colleague, even though we might operate in different industries. I like to think of leaders as a community, to support and help each other find solutions that are good long term.

This takes me to a question I'd like to make you: How are you practicing your leadership today −are you leading the development, or are you following it? In any case I would like to contribute to you feeling confident with taking the lead, so here are 3 tips on innovation fo...

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How to turn business world into a sunny place where human thrive


in the new normal businesses to a greater degree must combine economical growth and bottom line focus. At the same time, a basic respect for the environment and conditions affecting environment and society challenges is required. When everything changes, it also has repercussions on leadership positions. This leads our attention towards the questions: How are leaders assisted with upgrading their leadership in a time where focus on humans is re-established in a new context? This is why I ha...

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